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Carpet cleaning special stain method

發布的時:2015-06-06   選擇機會:
1, edible oil stains: use a volatile solvent such as gasoline or chlorinated carbon removal, residual part to clean with alcohol.
2, soy sauce stains: new stains first brush with cold water, then use the detergent, namely, aged and ammonia scrubbing stains can be used warm water to join scour, then wash clean.
3, shoes: use gasoline, alcohol wipe, then wash with soap.
4, urine: new stains can use warm water or 10% of liquid ammonia scrubbing, aged stain with detergent washing first, and then washed with ammonia pure woolThe carpetWith citric acid washing.
5, juice stains, first wash, with 5% of the liquid ammonia with neutral detergent to wash it again later.But ammonia of pure woolThe carpetFiber damage, reason should be is to reduce the use, generally available citric acid or soap to clean, can also with alcohol.
Try the 6, ice-cream stains: use gasoline to clean.
7, wine stains: new stain wash with water.Old ammonia water and borax aqueous solution to remove stains.If carpet is hair silk material, usable and oxalic acid washing.
8, coffee, tea, the available ammonia wash.Silk, wool carpet available neutral detergent soak 10-20 minutes before washing, or 10% of the oil cleaning.
9, vomiting stains: one way is to use gasoline after wiping, with 5% of ammonia is wiped, finally rinse with warm water.Another method is to use 10% wet ammonia will be vomiting, reoccupy soap liquid with alcohol added to wipe, wash clean with neutral detergent.
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